Send and receive erotic tasks!
EROmat is an online platform to send and receive erotic tasks to/from your partner or any other person accepting erotic tasks from you. Furthermore you can post and comment status messages, add photos to your profile, chat with others and much more.
Send erotic tasks describing what exactly you want your partner or friend to do and set them a deadline. This may be an erotic selfie or the weirdest fantasy you always had. You are the ones to set the boundaries.
[...] Also nochmals vielen Dank - der Eromat hat uns sehr geholfen unsern sexuellen Horizont total spielerisch zu erweitern! Und ja, es kribbelt jedes mal wenn eine neue Aufgabe vorliegt [...]
EROmat is just a software to help you fulfill your sexual fantasies. In theory you can send tasks to any user who accepts your friend request but in real life it's probably better to know them personally. That makes it easier to rate the boundaries. This whole thing is supposed to be fun for all participants, so please accept a No.
Create free account*!
If you have more than one friend in your friends list, you can also ask others for permission to fulfill a task.